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BAWEI with Its Outstanding Achievement Becomes Popular in the iPDM

The two-day China Beauty iPDM Expo (iPDM) has come to a successful conclusion. As a major exhibition in the cosmetics supply chain, iPDM is more popular than ever under the impact of the epidemic, and in the exhibition area of BAWEI, there are a sea of people. With the popularity, BAWEI is also awarded with a lot of honors!

1. BAWEI Cosmetic Company won the title of "2020 China's Top 100 Cosmetic Supply Chain Enterprises"

As the industry's leading beauty manufacturing company, BAWEI Co., Ltd. won the title of "2020 China's Top 100 Cosmetics Supply Chain Enterprises" at this exhibition by virtue of its own development speed, innovation ability, customer reputation, industry influence and other factors. This honor is the industry's affirmation of BAWEI's 15 years of hard work, and is also the market's high recognition of BAWEI's new technology and new product output. With this glory, we will never forget our original intention, just because it is not only a honor, but also the responsibility. Next BAWEI will continue to dive into the market, forge strength, enhance product value, and continue to empower customers' brands!

The 4th China Cosmetics (Baiyun Meiwan) International Summit Forum was held concurrently with iPDM. Ms. Li Shiwei, the person in charge of BAWEI · Guangdong Youzhi Testing Technology Co., Ltd., as the speaker of Sub-forum 3: Skin Science and Efficacy Evaluation, gave a speech about "the importance and method integration of efficacy evaluation driven by new regulations" and explained the impact of the new cosmetics regulations on the industry by analyzing the industry background, explaining the new regulations, and introducing the efficacy evaluation methods.

Based on the impact of the new cosmetics regulations on the industry, the third-party independent testing agency of BAWEI Holding Co., Ltd., which holds the "three certificates", has also been upgraded in an all-round way, issuing fair test reports and certificates to the society for customers and providing more professional technical services so as to help BAWEI Co., Ltd. make every effort to build the entire cosmetics industry chain service!

· Guangdong Youzhi Testing Technology Co., Ltd.

2. BAWEI cosmetics are favored by consumers, and the exhibition hall is full of crowds

The color of the BAWEI pink shown in the blockbuster is particularly dazzling and attracts full popularity. The crowds in the exhibition hall are surging, who are visiting various star products, or consult, or watch, or take pictures...

The beautiful angel wings, inspired by the LOGO of BAWEI, symbolizes that BAWEI creates healthy and beautiful skin for women and completes the beautiful dream of changing life into a butterfly; the huge "milk bull bottle" is the annual masterpiece star product of BAWEI & Unilever...

-The two highlights are strong and eye-catching, subverting the public's impression of traditional manufacturing companies, and the "ingenuity" of BAWEI amazed everyone present!

Under the background of the Internet+ era, various market segments have emerged frequently. To quickly capture the hearts of the new generation of consumers, the product formula must be simple and gentle enough, the packaging must be high-value, the use must be full of sense of ceremony, and the product experience must be efficient and comfortable, all of which are inseparable from the support of the supply chain.

Based on the various needs of the market, BAWEI, as a cosmetic company, exhibited three main series at this exhibition-Ace Micro-Condensation Bead Essence Series, Ceramide Barrier Repair Anti-aging Series, Japanese Specialized Water Activity Series, which are all the combination of BAWEI's latest technology and Japan's cutting-edge beauty and skin care technology, and the ingredients are streamlined but highly effective. Among them, the Ceramide Barrier Repair and Anti-aging Series Formula is said to have the highest standard according to the experience of Xiaoyu.

The three main product series are backed by the core technology of BAWEI. As a beauty manufacturer with 15 years of deep cultivation in the industry, BAWEI is well versed in the principle of "technology is the primary productivity" and recruits talents to continuously improve its own strength. Japanese experts Tokue Toku and Toshio Ryoki have reached technical cooperation with us to share R&D resources and create R&D results together.

Next, BAWEI will continue to promote the "985" project and the "863" plan, focusing on the market and upgrading quality. The Innovation Center & Smart Factory of BAWEI Cosmetic Company will be put into operation at the end of the year, which will greatly help to further upgrade the quality of products and services; the development of the "BAWEI Star Research" product project will also start from the direction of internet celebrity trendy products, core explosive products, and functional products with the aim to enrich the product lineup in multiple dimensions, and continue to empower customers' brands.

Listed Cosmetics Enterprise 15+ Years ODM/OEM Manufacturer Strict Quality Control
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Address: No. 5, Xinbei Road, Jianggao Town, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China
Phone: +86-18680538207
No. 5, Xinbei Road, Jianggao Town, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China